What is big red thon?
Big Red THON is a Cornell's version of the nationwide Dance Marathon movement, started in 1991 at Indiana University. Since then, Dance Marathons across the country have raised over $250 million for Children's Miracle Network Hospitals. Big Red THON is a non-profit organization raising funds and awareness for Upstate Golisano Children’s Hospital in Syracuse, NY. Our 10-hour dance marathon, held yearly in November, is a celebration of our efforts and one last fundraising push to engage the student body and Ithaca community alike. We are comprised of a hardworking Executive Board, a General Body of volunteers, and Co-Sponsoring student organizations. People of all ages and backgrounds are welcome to sign up to attend the event and/or help us fundraise throughout the year. All of the Big Red THON family comes together to help make miracles!
what is the difference between pre and in-event registration?
You may pre-register through Donor Drive and affiliate with an organization. This will allow you to directly fundraise for Upstate Golisano prior to the main event. Up until 8:00pm during our main event, however, you can register in-person as well!
who is eligible to dance at brt?
Any and all individuals on campus are encouraged to dance at BRT! If you are a performance group, please visit get involved > performances.
how can i get involved in brt?
We encourage all Cornellians to join the Big Red THON general body! To apply, visit apply > general body application. Organizations can also get involved by forming a team or becoming a sponsor of Big Red THON. For more information, contact our Sponsorship Chair at get involved > executive board.
can i attend brt if i'm not a part of an organization?
Yes! Make sure to pre-register on Donor Drive!
how do i join the general body or executive board?
You can join the General Body at any time by visiting apply > general body application. To join the executive board, you must apply when applications are available during the first month of Spring Semester, and we will follow up with interviews. Please note that we typically have widespread interest in our executive board and only have limited spots.
where do all of our funds go?
Upstate Golisano Children's Hospital in Syracuse, New York!
Does big red thon offer registration coupons?
Under certain circumstances, yes! Please contact us for further inquiries.
Donations and Sponsorship
how do i make a donation?
You can make a monetary donation by visiting our Donor Drive page. The easiest way to access this page is to visit home > make a difference. Big Red THON also accepts in-kind donations. Please reach out to our Event Operations Chairs for more information under get involved > executive board.
how do i accredit a donation to a specific campus organization?
On Donor Drive, you can support specific organizations. You may search for the organization on Donor Drive, or ask for a link from that organization directly.
how do i become a sponsor (campus, local or corporate)?
For inquiries on how to become a sponosor, please contact our Sponsorship Chair under get involved > executive board.
how does big red thon fundraise?
Big Red THON fundraises in many ways, such as on-campus fundraisers, donations from several organizations, and more.
how do i get my organization involved?
Your organization can get involved in two ways: you can develop a team on Donor Drive (Big Red THON's fundraising portal), or you can become a sponsor. For more information, contact our Campus Relations Chair under get involved > executive board.
what is the best way for my organization to fundraise?
We have many suggestions about how to fundraise. To start, we suggest simple social media fundraisers, and asking for donations from friends, family and alumni. Small donations add up! For further questions, please contact our Alumni and Donor Relations Chair under get involved > executive board.
what is the sponsorship packet and how do i get it?
The sponsorship packet offers insignt into Big Red THON's operation, and helps prospective sponsors determine their desired sponsorship level. The packet can be found under get involved > donations and sponsorship. You can also contact our Sponsorship Chair under get involved > executive board.
Main Event
where can i find first-aid?
During the main event, first-aid service is available on the bottom floor of Barton Hall where our event is typically held. If this is not our location, or you cannot find first-aid, please contact the nearest Big Red THON volunteer who will put you in contact with the appropriate personel. For emergencies, please call 911 or CU-EMS at (607) 255-1111.
who should i speak to if i have a problem during brt?
Contact the nearest Big Red THON volunteer who will put you in contact with the appropriate personel.
To register for our main event, visit home > register or donate. You can also access the same page by following this link. To register an organization, please sign up as a "team captain". To register as an individual, please sign up as "participant", and you will be able to join pre-made teams if you wish!
Families & Press
how do i get a family pass to brt?
To get a family pass for Big Red THON, contact our Event Operations Chairs under get involved > executive board!
does brt offer accomodations for families during the event?
Yes! Big Red THON reserves a special space for families during our main event with drinks and healthy snacks where you and your children can rest. To access this area, you must have a family pass.
can press attend brt?
Yes, press can attend BRT. To get a press pass, please contact our Event Operations Chairs under get involved > executive board.